Thursday, April 02, 2009

What's Left in the Fridge?

I have to clear out the quickly perishables in my fridge. What I have are three chicken legs, half an onion, half a head of green cabbage and a few cups of chicken stock--just the things for a hot pot. Start with bringing an inch or so of ginger and the stock to a boil then add the chicken and the cabbage and onion. Let the whole thing come to a boil and them simmer for 10 minutes and a pretty healthy dish is done. And I don't have to worry about my fridge anymore.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

MY Sandwich

I made the bread and roasted the beef, but I did not grow the romaine lettuce--the weather is not permitting. Still, this is as self-made as it can possibly be, under the weather. In a couple of months' time, I will have the lettuce homegrown too.