Sunday, July 05, 2009

Chicken Curry

Besides Buddhism, curry is probably India's greatest export. Like Buddhism, curry morphs into innumerous version each unique to the location in which it takes root. This is a Hong Kong-ish curry, I suppose. This time I blend my own spices--coriander seed, cumin, clove, cardamon, black mustard seed, black pepper, tumeric, chili powder (heavy on the coriander bacause it is summer). I marinated the skinless chicken thighs with the mix and salt for a couple of hours and roast them in a hot oven until they lightly browned. Meanwhile, I saute a couple onion, sliced, for 20 minutes until nicely golden, then ginger and garlic a thrown in. The spices go in next for half a minute then the lightly roasted chicken. Toss it all about for a minute or two then in goes the potato and carrot and water and salt (if needed). Cook until the potato is almost soft then add a table spoon or two of curry paste from Kwan Yik 冠益華記油咖哩. The tangliness and fragrance of the curry paste is just the right finishing touch. Simmer for another 10 or so minutes and it is done.

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