Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chicken Mushroom Huaishan Stew

I saw a nice stick of huaishan 淮山, also know as shanyao 山藥 in Chinese and nagaimo 長芋 in Japanese, in the market and decided to cook with it for dinner.  I cut up half a chicken, marinated it with sugar, salt, soy sauce, shaoxing liquor, soy sauce and cornstarch for half an hour or so before browning lightly with ginger.  Reconstituted shiitake were added next and then shaoxing liquor, sugar, salt, soy sauce and water.  Simmer for 15 minutes then big chunks for huaishan went in for another 10 minutes, until the huaishan cooked through.  If you overcook the huaishan, it will disintegrate, but if you undercook it, it is rather unpleasant. Keep an eye on it and the result if wonderful.  Huaishan is considered to be one of the best food/medicine in Chinese medicine, tasty too.

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