Saturday, April 12, 2008

Coconut Yellow Split Pea Cake 馬豆糕

For some unknown reason, yellow split pea is called horse pea 馬豆 in Cantonese. I guess it may have been with which they used to feed horse once upon a time. But there were not a lot of horses in Guangdong, so who knows. This dessert seems to be out of favour a bit lately but it was one of my favours when I was a kid. Not hard to make. Boil some yellow split peas for half and hour or so until it soften but not mushy. A can of coconut milk, ¾ cup of milk, a cup of water, ¾ cup of sugar comes to a boil and then the peas are added. A cup of cold water and a cup of corn starch are whisked together before slowly whisking into the hot liquid until it achieve a thick porridge. Pour into a mold and chill until set and you have a nice summer dessert.

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